Kate's latest: As uncoordinated as Kate was in that last video, she's actually quite the little gymnast, following in her mother's footsteps. Here she is jumping on the tramp and doing the balance beam. When she's not busy with gymnastics, she keeps busy telling people about the disney princesses and the mean mean villains in the disney films that she watches whenever she can convince us to turn them on for her. There's little mermaid and the mean mean shark, Belle and the mean mean beast, Cindarella and the mean mean cat, Sleeping Beauty and the mean mean dragon etc. We can't decide if she likes the princesses more, or the mean mean people.
Sam on Doctors: Sam has had a rough couple weeks. His asthma has been acting up and he's been coughing incessantly for most of the last 2 weeks. He's had 2 nebulizer treatments at the doctors office, he's on an oral steroid, inhaled steroid, albuterol every 2-4 hours, as well as a daily leukotriene inhibitor. Needless to say, he has seen his fair share of the doctor and had his fair share of medicines recently. It is obvious that he doesn't think too highly of doctors or their methods. Besides stickers, he doesn't see them as a source of anything but pain and suffering. The other day we heard him playing with Kate. "Kate let's play doctor. I'll be the doctor. You can either have a shot, some medicine that you don't even like, or howabout just a poke in the nose." Not quite sure where the poke in the nose comes from besides one more unpleasant thing a doctor could do to someone. Kate decided not to play with him.
Sam has been exhausted recently. This is him last night falling asleep on me while we were waiting for Mom to come say prayers with us. He also has a huge apetite. He's the first one to clear his plate each night, and the other day wanted me to order him another hamburger at Wendys. I think it's the roids. Here are some other recent pictures:
Going for an Autumn walk with Maggie.
Playing in the leaves.
When we took the kids for flu shots a couple weeks ago, we had Sam go first to show Kate how to be brave for her shots. He tried so hard to be brave for his sister. He cried of course during the shot and then when the drama was over we said, "See Kate, he's all better now. Sam tell Kate how easy that is."
"Kate", he said trying to comfort her, "it hurts really really bad."

Yeah! New news! Those videos are great. Sure makes it not so lonely around here to see the kids in action. Wish Sam could get off the "roids". That's doctor speak for you.
Hooray for an update! I miss you guys! So there are a few things I have to say:
1. I can't believe Maggie is crawling already! She isn't old enough yet, is she?
2. Kate doing gymnastics is adorable! She looks so grown up all of a sudden. What a cutie!
3. Poor little Sam. Ty was on the exact same stuff at the beginning of October. It made him eat like I have never seen before. That part of it was great. It made him really moody too, and that part wasn't so great. I hope he gets feeling better. This cough stuff is no fun!
4. I love the picture of Sam falling asleep on Marc's back. What a cute boy!
Maggie's crawl is much more advanced than Brady's... he's still at the army crawl stage. You alway's have to one-up us, don't you?!?!?!?
Your kids are adorable. Sam has such a cute personality, and look at Kate go! We wish you guys were closer- it would be so fun to see our kids interact more!
cute, cute pictures!! I especially love the one with sam and kate in the leaves. we missed you guys at thanksgiving. jack is anxious to play with his cousins again. hope your thanksgiving was great!!
Brady is riding his bike already, but I guess all kids develop at different rates. Your kids are super cute. Sam reminds me of Marc, being able to fall asleep anywhere like that.
Oops, I guess Kristine already busted me on the whole Brady/bike thing.
Sibling rivalry! Finally! I always thought all you kids were too perfect.
SO, how about a New Year's resolution to update this blog MUCH more frequently. You've been promising Christmas pictures since last Sunday. . . . .I mean, what's it going to take. Name your bribe!
Hey, can't complain about any little boy who actually eats and sleeps well! Great pics - miss you guys!
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