Sunday, September 09, 2007

I realized I haven't said much about Kate in this blogspedition. Since we only seem to do this once every 6 months or so, I'd better not leave anyone out. She looks a lot like Sam, but she definately acts different. She is definatey more "girly". She is scared to death of being tossed in the air, loves necklaces, and is fascinated with shoes. She is our cuddly baby, the snuggler that Sam never was, and loves to give hugs, crawl into our bed and lay her head on my chest and being wrapped in anything soft and cuddly. Here is Kate on her 1st birthday. She loves the doll she got, as well as her stuffed animals. Sam will usually give one to her if she is sad and it cheers her up. The other night, we decided to let Kate cry it out when she woke up unexpectedly in the night. When we finally did go in there we found her crib full of all the stuffed animals and dolls in our house that Sam had been throwing in there to try to keep her quiet so he could sleep.
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Kristine said...

Tricia!!! Your pictures are adorable! I was just thinking the other day that I haven't seen a picture of Kate since we saw her last Christmas, and she is so cute! Totally looks like Sam, IMO! :) We are glad you like your new minivan-- I am not a fan either but I cannot argue about the extra room it gives us. Big congrats to you guys on baby #3! So exciting! I hope you are feeling ok. :)

becca said...

Kate is such a sweet little girl! She looks different just from when you were here in June. They are growing too fast! Congratulations on baby number 3!

Sarah Burningham said...

Ok, Marc, now we're even. I just had to join blogger to leave you a comment but let me just say, your blog is MUCH more interesting than mine. You and Tricia have the most adorable family. Your son looks just like and your daughter is so sweet. Congratulations on number 3! Do you think you'll find out what it is?
I would love to catch up with you and Tricia. Grant is wonderful--still working at the New York Times and moving up quickly. I expect him to be ruling the world shortly. Like you saw, I have some teen books coming out, thus my mySpace profile. It's been an adventure and really fun. I'm doing that on the side, during the day I work at HarperCollins, so we keep busy. And you are going to be a full-fledged doctor. That doesn't surprise me (but I'm not sure I will ever let you near me with a scalpal, so don't even try it, Crosby.)
It was wonderful to hear from you. It made my day. I forwarded your post to Grant and he says hello and come visit us. Really, you and Tricia should come for a weekend. I would love to see one of my long lost best friends and his wonderful wife. Give Tricia my love and give me a call. Actually, I'm scared to post my phone number on a blog, so how do we do this? My email is:

Sarah and Grant

Jenny said...

Tricia and Marc,

What a beautiful family! I'm so glad I found your blog and can now see what you are up to! Congrats on baby #3!

Jenny Fosdick

TR said...

Sam looks just like Marc! Good to catch up! How are you guys? Send us your email address.