Sunday, March 02, 2008

Making the best of the snow this year with sledding...
more sledding...
and grilling.Posted by Picasa


Kat said...


Carol said...

You all look so cold! Glad you're enjoying the snow and have a little time to spend with the kids. I'm sure they loved every minute!

stacie said...

what a cute family. seriously. do any of you ever take a bad picture? kate is so so adorable in her glasses. well, just wanted to let family know that i (this is stacie, by the way) finally made a blog. a lame blog. but, it's the best i can do right now. so, check it out, if you'd like: hope you all are happy and healthy!

Kristine said...

You guys, those glasses are adorable!! I just bought some that are the same style (different color) so we can be twins! Hope all is going well with your pregnancy, Trish! :)